Own a Digital Ocean™ account ?
My Droplets lets you control the state of your droplets in a simple e direct way.
- (NEW) Image transfer and destroy (In-App Purchase)
- Create new droplets directly from the app
- Organize droplets by current state
- Perform all common tasks, power off, power on, restart, shutdown, reset password and destroy
- Perform snapshots
- Restore from backups and snapshots
- Rebuild from another image
- Resize droplet
- Check the progress of events from actions in the app
- Know Digital Ocean™ network status from the app
To use all this functions you need to have your client id and api key. Access your account and goto the API menu.
If you catch an Access Denied error, please make sure you have filled correctly the values for the client id and api key and didnt switched values accidentally
Future features for next version:
- SSH Keys
- And more...